Thursday, September 5, 2013

MTC Arrival Day

Entering the MTC
Wow!  September 2, 2013 was a special and emotional day!  Breakfast at Kneaders with family and our Dutch tutor, Broeder Caleb Lystrup, pictures, goodbyes, tears and off to the MTC Drop-off.
Top: Jed, Josh, Zuster & Elder Romig, Sarah, Mindy, Teresa
Bottom: Receiving our Missionary Tags
Saying goodbye to Angie three
weeks earlier...

Our family has always known that we would go on a mission as soon as we retired.  Their only surprise was that we retired 2-3 years early!

Angie and her family had spent time with us in Utah just before moving to Oregon, so our good-byes happened three weeks before we left.

Only one car allowed thru the gate
so we all piled in...
We are up at 6:00 a.m. each day, in classes learning, roll playing with "investigators", enjoying our meals in the cafeteria, and meeting wonderful friends. We are part of the second largest senior missionary group ever to enter the MTC.  We have 127 senior missionaries (the largest had 128).  We are the only senior missionaries going to Holland, but a group of young Elders & Zusters left Wednesday, September 4th.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Awesome pictures! How cool that you're in such a large group of senior missionaries! I heard from my high school friend Julie Coombs (married to Jimmer Petty!) that you shared a meal with her parents who are going to Sweden :) Such a small world! Love you guys!
